Urologist and Male Infertility Clinic in Dunedin, NZ

Welcome to the practice of Dr. Amir Zarrabi, a leading male infertility specialist and urologist in Dunedin. With a dedicated facility in the city and clinics across New Zealand, we are committed to providing top-tier healthcare wherever you are. Our practice stands out for its comprehensive approach to treatment, utilising the latest technologies and personalised care plans to secure the best outcomes for our patients.

Our Dunedin clinic serves as a cornerstone of our operations in the region and offers specialised services that cater uniquely to the local community’s needs. In addition, our reputation for excellence makes us a preferred choice for out-of-town patients seeking expert care in a supportive environment. Whether you’re local or from further afield, Amir’s team is here to support your journey towards better health with exceptional medical expertise and genuine care.

Manaaki by Mercy
a vector of a nurse and a microscope
Urological Conditions

Information on various Urological conditions and the treatments I offer.

Male Infertility

Read all about conditions that affect male fertility and how I can help.

a vector of doctor and medical document

Useful reading for patients and General Practitioners.

Why Consult with Dr. Amir Zarrabi in Dunedin, NZ?

Choosing the right specialist is crucial for your health and well-being. Dr. Amir Zarrabi’s impressive credentials and commitment to patient care make him a standout choice in Dunedin and beyond. Below are key aspects that distinguish his practice:

  • Long and Celebrated Medical Career – Amir became a certified urologist in 2009 and served as a consultant urologist at a large university hospital for the next decades. Throughout his time there, he worked in oncology, kidney transplantation, reconstruction, minimally invasive surgery, and paediatric urology. He earned his PhD under Professor Thinus Kruger, who is known as one of the world’s most distinguished researchers on sperm quality. Amir has also trained at a number of notable academic institutions around the world, including Cornell University Hospital in New York, the Asklepios Hospital in Germany, the Cleveland Clinic, and Harvard Medical School. His extensive experience ensures that patients receive knowledgeable and compassionate care tailored to their specific needs.


  • Participation in Historic Urological Surgeries – Throughout his career, Amir has been involved in groundbreaking surgical procedures that have set benchmarks in the field of urology. He was on the surgical team that performed the first successful penis transplant in the world in 2014. He was also one of the foremost pioneers of male infertility treatment in South Africa, most notably facilitating the world’s first live birth after micro-TESE in a male patient with non-obstructive azoospermia.


  • Extensive Research and Other Academic Pursuits – Alongside his surgical practice, Amir is an active researcher and participates regularly in academic engagements. His contributions to urological research include numerous scientific journal articles, conference papers and book chapters. He has also presented his work at multiple international conferences and workshops.


  • Multiple Professional Affiliations – Amir stays connected with the global medical community by maintaining active memberships with various prestigious medical associations, including the Fertility Society of Australia and New Zealand, the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand, the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, the European Association of Urology and the Société Internationale d’Urologie. He is also a registered specialist with the Medical Council of New Zealand and a board-certified urologist in New Zealand.


Dr. Zarrabi’s unmatched expertise and holistic approach to patient care ensure that every consultation and treatment plan is not just about addressing symptoms but about building a healthier, happier life.

Souther Cross Health Society Affiliated Provider


Dr. Amir Zarrabi’s Specialities


Dr. Amir provides expert care for prostate, kidney, penis, testicular, and bladder cancer. Utilising the latest oncological treatments and technologies, his clinic offers comprehensive cancer care tailored to individual patient needs.

Stones in the Kidney and Bladder

Kidney and bladder stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside these organs and can cause pain, infection, and blockages. Kidney stones treatment at Dr. Amir’s practice involves non-invasive shock wave lithotripsy and endoscopic surgeries to effectively manage and treat stones with minimal discomfort and quick recovery times.


A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins within the scrotum that can cause pain, reduce sperm production, and potentially impact fertility. Varicocele treatment options include minimally invasive surgery, which is often performed to alleviate pain and improve sperm production, in turn leading to better fertility outcomes.

Microsurgery for Male Infertility

This speciality includes procedures like vasectomy reversals and varicocele repairs, which enhance fertility by addressing issues that impede sperm production or function.


This surgical procedure involves the removal of the foreskin from the penis and is performed for both medical and non-medical reasons.

Prostate Enlargement (BPH)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition where the prostate gland enlarges, potentially causing urinary problems and affecting bladder control. Treatment for prostate enlargement includes medication, lifestyle adjustments, and surgical options like minimally invasive therapies, depending on the severity and patient preference.


Dr. Amir is one of the few specialists in New Zealand offering the No-Needle Vasectomy, which involves cutting and sealing the tubes that carry sperm without needles for anaesthesia. This advanced, less invasive vasectomy procedure reduces discomfort and recovery time for patients.


Dr. Amir addresses conditions like Peyronie's disease, which involves the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis causing curved, painful erections. He also performs urethroplasty using tissue grafts to repair urethral strictures. These reconstructive surgeries are aimed at restoring functionality and improving quality of life.

Laser Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery

These advanced surgical techniques use lasers or small incisions to treat various conditions with less pain and faster recovery than traditional surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Dr. Amir Zarrabi’s urology and male infertility clinic located in Dunedin, New Zealand?

Dr. Amir conducts all consultations and surgeries at Dunedin’s Mercy Hospital, a multi-discipline private hospital that provides modern and comprehensive services. We offer all surgical procedures at the Dunedin location, with the exception of micro-TESE, a highly specialised male infertility microsurgery that Dr. Amir only performs in Auckland.

How do I schedule an appointment with Dr. Amir Zarrabi in Dunedin, New Zealand?

You can get in touch with our Dunedin clinic by calling 03 467 6605 or sending an email to suite22@mercyhospital.org.nz. You can also complete the enquiry form on our website’s contact page. We recommend booking in advance to secure a time that suits your schedule.

What should I expect during a consultation at Dr. Amir Zarrabi's practice in Dunedin?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Amir will discuss your medical history and current health concerns. This visit may include diagnostic tests or examinations. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have about your condition, treatment options, or follow-up care.

How do I prepare for surgeries and other medical procedures at the Dunedin location?

Preparation for surgery typically involves:

  • Following specific preoperative instructions, such as fasting.
  • Arranging for transportation and post-operative care.
  • Ensuring you have completed all necessary pre-surgery tests.


Our clinic will provide you with all the detailed guidelines you need before your procedure. Patients undergoing fertility operations are typically discharged on the same day, while more complex operations may require at least an overnight stay at the hospital. Dr. Amir recommends that patients coming from outside Dunedin remain in town for at least a night after discharge. This will enable you to seek medical care quickly and easily in the unlikely event that you experience any complications after your operation.

What do I need to know about medical costs at Dr. Amir Zarrabi’s practice? Do you accept insurance?

You’ll find a comprehensive list of fees for all services we offer on our website. This fee structure includes the cost of consultations, tests, and surgical procedures, among others. You may pay via cash, EFTPOS, or debit and credit card on the day of your appointment. We also work closely with the top insurers in New Zealand, including ACC and Southern Cross Health Insurance, to help support your healthcare needs.

Surgical procedures without insurance coverage must be paid for in full or in part before the operation. Eligible patients can also explore the payment plans and other funding options provided care of Nova Medical Finance.